Ketamine club drug cause cystitis symptoms

A cystitis caused by abuse of the club drug ketamine looks very much like interstitial cystitis according to a new study done in Taiwan.  This drug is especially popular among young people in Asia, where the study urologists practice . Be aware that this is why your doctor may ask you about your recreational drug use, especially if you are young. The article describes the issue and reports specifically on the type of bladder damage ketamine causes. Symptoms include painful urination, fluctuating lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), lower abdominal or perineal pain, and impaired functional bladder capacities. Blood and pus in the urine are typical. In addition, bladder ulcers, diffuse bleeding, and low capacity are also typical—similar to IC. Treatment entails stopping abuse and use of pentosan polysulfate (Elmiron) or hyaluronic acid (Cystistat). The outcome of treatment depends on how severe the damage is.