Reminder: Participate in a Global Oncofertility Study

This a reminder to participate in a global oncofertility study. Colleagues in Australia, lead by Dr. Antoinette Anazodo, are conducting a research study to develop an international multidisciplinary oncofertility competency framework.

The study has been updated and is now available in Mandarin, Portuguese for Portugal, Portuguese for Latin America, French, Spanish, German and Japanese. The survey will be available in Arabic next week. 

Below is more information about the study. If relevant, please participate in the study so together we can develop this competency framework. For any questions, email

Despite international evidence about the benefits of fertility preservation and current national and international guidelines there are several barriers that have prevented the implementation of equitable fertility preservation practice around the world. These barriers include a lack of referral pathways and models of care for oncofertility services, the need for more collaborations between cancer and fertility doctors, inequitable access based on cost and a lack of oncofertility training.  There is also no consensus about the best way to deliver oncofertility information to patients. Competencies are used by health care services and health care providers to ensure that they develop knowledge, skills and processes to deliver services of a high standard and this includes suitable models of care and referral pathways. 

The objectives of this study are to develop an international multidisciplinary oncofertility competency framework. The study involves completing an online questionnaire: which will take around 40 minutes to complete (although it does not have to be completed in one sitting). We have questionnaires for health care professionals and we also have questionnaires for patients, parents and advocacy groups.

If you are interested in taking part in this study, please first read the information sheet and then please click on the appropriate survey in your chosen language: